
Elias Trotti

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Elias Trotti

Elias Trotti


Elias, our smiley Brazilian, randomly came across our Movement Intro Workshop and quickly fell in love with the city and everything about Infuse Health. So, he decided to stick around. His qualifications are impressive and diverse, from his bachelor’s degree in Health and Sports Science, to Functional Training, Movement Workshops and Strength and Conditioning certificates coming out of his ears.

Elias’ movement journey started in the playgrounds and sports fields of Brazil where he was introduced to corporeity by one of his School Teachers. His movement expression has many influences and he seeks to continually expand and improve.

Elias believes the only way to teach is from an authentic experience. He also understands the flow on effects of a practice and that the body and the mind are inseparable. Elias considers himself an unconventional PE Teacher using movement and the psychomotricity approach to develop students to be the best versions of themselves. He is literally excited to meet you!
